Select Publications

The full list of publications from the AOS Group can be found on the Google Scholar and ORCID profiles of Dr Michael Nielsen. Below is a select list of recent publications:

  1. M. P. Nielsen, A. Pusch, P. M. Pearce, M. H. Sazzad, P. J. Reece, M. A. Green, and N. J. Ekins-Daukes, "Semiconductor thermoradiative power conversion," Nature Photonics 18, 1137-1146 (2024).

  2. M. P. Nielsen, A. Pusch, M. H. Sazzad, P. M. Pearce, P. J. Reece, and N. J. Ekins-Daukes, "Thermoradiative power conversion from HgCdTe photodiodes and their current–voltage characteristics," ACS Photonics 9, 1535-1540 (2022).

  3. A. J. Baldacchino, M. I. Collins, M. P. Nielsen, T. W. Schmidt, D. R. McCamey, and M. J. Y. Tayebjee, "Singlet fission photovoltaics: progress and promising pathways," Chemical Physics Reviews 3, 021304 (2022).

  4. S. W. Tabernig, A. H. Soeriyadi, U. Römer, A. Pusch, D. Lamers, M. K. Juhl, D. N. R. Payne, M. P. Nielsen, A. Polman, and N. J. Ekins-Daukes, "Avoiding Shading Losses in Concentrator Photovoltaics Using a Soft-Imprinted Cloaking Geometry," IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 12, 1116-1127 (2022).

  5. S. Shahrokhi, M. Dubajic, Z.‐Z. Dai, S. Bhattacharyya, R. A. Mole, K. C. Rule, M. Bhadbhade, R. Tian, N. Mussakhanuly, X. Guan, Y. Yin, M. P. Nielsen, L. Hu, C.‐H. Lin, S. L. Y. Chang, D. Wang, I. V. Kabakova, G. Conibeer, S. Bremner, X.‐G. Li, C. Cazorla, and T. Wu, "Anomalous structural evolution and glassylattice in mixed‐halide hybrid perovskites," Small 18, 2200847 (2022).

  6. Y. Jiang, M. P. Nielsen, A. J. Baldacchino, M. A. Green, D. R. McCamey, M. Y. J. Tayebjee, T. W. Schmidt, and N. J. Ekins-Daukes, “Singlet fission and tandem solar cells reduce thermal degradation and enhance lifespan,” Progress in Photovoltaics 29, 899–906 (2021).

  7. M. A. Steiner, R. M. France, J. Buencuerpo, J. F. Geisz, M. P. Nielsen, A. Pusch, W. J. Olavarria, M. Young, and N. J. Ekins‐Daukes, “High Efficiency Inverted GaAs and GaInP/GaAs Solar Cells With Strain‐Balanced GaInAs/GaAsP Quantum Wells,” Advanced Energy Materials 11, 2002874 (2021).

  8. S. Grandi, M. P. Nielsen, J. Cambiasso, S. Boissier, K. D. Major, C. Reardon, T. F. Krauss, R. F. Oulton, E. A. Hinds, and A. S. Clark, “Hybrid plasmonic waveguide coupling of photons from a single molecule,” APL Photonics 4, 086101 (2019). 

  9. M. P. Nielsen, X. Shi, P. Dichtl, S. A. Maier, and R. F. Oulton, “Giant nonlinear response at a plasmonic nanofocus drives efficient four-wave mixing,” Science 358, 1179-1181 (2017).

  10. M. P. Nielsen, L. Lafone, A. Rakovich, T. P. H. Sidiropoulos, M. Rahmani, S. A. Maier, and R. F. Oulton, “Adiabatic nanofocusing in hybrid gap plasmon waveguides on the silicon-on-insulator platform,” Nano Letters 16, 1410–1414 (2016).

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