High Efficiency Photovoltaics

Our research stream in high efficiency photovoltaics (PV) has the potential to make a significant impact on world energy production and consumption. With advances in materials science, nanotechnology, and device design, we can develop PV technologies that are more efficient and durable than current designs. This can lead to the production of solar panels that generate more electricity per unit of sunlight, and that are capable of functioning in a wider range of environmental conditions.

We focus on a range of high efficiency PV concepts including:

  • Multi-junction III-V solar cells for space and concetrator photovoltaics (CPV) applications

  • Characterisation of novel absorber materials such as perovskite or kesterites

  • Hot carrier photovoltaics

Recent publications in high efficiency PV:

Join us!

We’re always open to new members joining the lab, both domestic and international candidates. There are also collaboration opportunities across a range of topics. Please get in touch and see if there is an opportunity that is the right fit for you.


Up/Down Conversion with Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Devices


Emissive Energy Harvesting